We have a full fledged driving school being run under the able guidance of Naik NK Mishra, a retired ESM from the EME corps of the Indian Army. There is a serious shortage of well trained drivers in the metros and other cities. The school, besides training them in driving also imparts grooming and finishing training making them desirable to their urban employers. The school also provides training in the areas of tractor driving and maintenance, Engine repairing etc.
Poor per unit yield has been a serious problem with UP. Lack of awareness and professional guidance are the critical and crucial factors responsible for this state. SWACA has taken the initiative of training the local farmers to ensure better yield and crop management. It also assists the farmers to receive soft loans form the nationalized banks.
We have a full fledged driving school being run under the able guidance of Naik NK Mishra, a retired ESM from the EME corps of the Indian Army. There is a serious shortage of well trained drivers in the metros and other cities. The school, besides training them in driving also imparts grooming and finishing training making them desirable to their urban employers. The school also provides training in the areas of tractor driving and maintenance, Engine repairing etc.
UP continues to lag behind to exploit areas like fisheries, dairy and poultry. Ignorance and the non-availibity of modern infrastructure and resources are the main culprits. SWACA regularly conducts workshops and Help Camps to enable the local population to improve their production and marketing strategies. SWACA owns fish hatchery in the village Kanduni, where fingerlings are produced and supplied to the locals at subsidized rates
Fisheries:Mr Sunil Singh
Poultry:Hasan Miyan
Dairy:Mr Anand Kumar Mishra
Hotel industry is a rapidly growing sector and has a heavy demand of trained manpower ie cooks, kitchen helpers and waiters. Headed by Mr Pant, the hospitality team has best of the chefs and hospitality experts on its rolls. They train rural youth in all the aspects of kitchen and restaurant management.
Female population of the state continues to be under or unemployed. SWACA has undertaken the onerous responsibility of training and supporting the females of the region. It has given them an opportunity to work from home and sell their finished products in the urban markets.
A Course in Gardening & Landscapings helps rural youth to a new career as a professional Landscaper or Gardener. Good garden design goes beyond simply "looking nice", instead creating a space where plants, building materials, colour and form all work together to create an environment that is stimulating, cohesive and enjoyable for everyone.